Nazareno Rocchetti

was born in Filottrano (AN) on January 6, 1947. Physiotherapist of the Italian National Athletics Team. Among its best-known athletes are characters such as Pietro Mennea, Sara Simeoni, Gabriella Dorio, Giovanna Trillini, Gelindo Bordin, Valentina Vezzali etc. For some years he has dedicated himself to art, first with sculptures then after meeting Josè Guevara he also began his activity as a "fire artist" producing numerous paintings. He has participated in group exhibitions in the Municipality of Treia and in San Costanzo di Pesaro on the occasion of the Summer Curtain. His works are exhibited in the following museums: Museum of the Label Cupramontana (AN), Museum of Modernity Filottrano (AN), Beato Sante Mombararoccio Museum (PU), Art Gallery of the Friars Minor Falconara (AN), Pieve Torina Art Gallery ( MC), Sacred Art Museum Serrapretona (MC), Fontescodella Macerata public park, Piazza Cerasa MOndolfo (PU), Parco delle Pietre Vive Cingoli (MC), the headquarters of the University Sports Center of Turin. He currently works and lives in Cingoli.
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