Alberto Casadei

A 30-year-old young man, jeans and sneakers on his feet and the trusty instrument always at his side. He is the fresh image of Alberto Casadei, from Rimini, first cello at the Rotterdam Philharmonic, one of the most prestigious in the world, with concerts on five continents. Son of art, his father Claudio is also a well-known and established cellist in the national music scene. His relationship with music was born at home, when at the age of 2 he picked up the first cello, a bit for fun. "At that age you don't think there, I found this instrument in my hands which then became mine. In fact, I never thought of playing something else ", says Alberto. Then, at the age of 3 and a half, the first lessons began at the father's “chair” and at the age of 5 he received his first recognition, he participated in the National Competition, obtaining the Absolute First Prize. He graduated from the “G. Rossini ”in Pesaro with full marks, honors and special mention, at the age of 18. He is the winner of numerous National and International Competitions, toured Europe to enrich his training and then won the competition for first cello in Rotterdam, where he has been living with his wife, the soprano Cathy-Di Zhang, for a few months.
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