Gian Luca Pasolini

Famous tenor, known all over the world. His concert schedule was already full for a few years ahead. Wonderful teacher of opera singing at the Conservatory of Teramo. One of the most requested jurors at singing competitions. His master classes give singers the chance to see their skills with a new perspective.
He collaborates closely with: Daniele Abbado, Daniel Barenboim, Semen Bickov, Cristina Comencini, Con Men Chun, Pol Curran, Richard Jons, Yannis Coccos, Zubin Meta, Eimuntas Niakroshus, Ermano Olmi, Kazushi Ono, Donato Renzetti, Emilio Sagi, Dmitriy Cerniakov, Michail Znanezkiy, Alberto Zedda, others.
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