Albert Deprius

In June 2002 he graduated from the Barcelona Conservatory of the Liseo theater. He studied with: Monserrat Cabalie, Jaume Aragal, Pedro Lavirgen, Ronaldo Paneray, Bonaldo Giaotti, Visens Sardinero.
He has performed in the best theaters in Spain, France, Italy, Colombia, Panama, Cuba and others.
Since 1998 he has been working as a teacher of solfeggio, piano, opera singing and choral singing at the Can Salom music center, which he has directed since 2002.
He has conducted several choirs and orchestras such as Orfeo Monteverdi, Corall-de-Badalona, ​​Harmonia choir, Barcelona chamber ensemble, Barcelona symphonic orchestra, Catalonia national orchestra, Cambra de L 'Emporda orchestra, Cambra orchestra. He directs and prepares the operas: el Requiem de Cherubini, el Requiem de Mozart, Gloria de Vivaldi, Misa Pontifical de L. Perosi, Misa de Coronación de Mozart and others.
He is currently conducting the “Harmonia simpfonica” symphonic choir and orchestra. In addition he is Artistic Director of the Lyrical Seasons in the city of Calella. Judge in the most prestigious singing competitions, collaborates with the Festival & Contest.
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