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Super Voices

International Vocal Competition


Moscow, Russia

The competition invites individual soloists, duets, ensembles and choirs, performing with a repertoire of modern, classical and folk vocals. The competition has a qualification, not a competitive principle of evaluation. Read more...
Children, students, professionals and amateurs can participate in the competition. The competition has a qualifying rather than competitive grading principle. The competition is held in two phases: the competition part and the final part. The total prize fund is 40.000.00 rubles (€ 670,00).
The main task of the competition is to enable young, young and accomplished artists to be noticed by producers, agents in search of new talents, teachers from leading educational institutions in Europe in Russia. All participants are awarded international diplomas with an assessment received from members of the jury of world importance in the field of vocals.
1. The main thing about the event
Event organizers
“Festival&Contest” (Italy) – international cultural association


Cultural Center "ZIL"

Application deadlines
in the presents participation - until October 18 inclusive
payment deadline - until October 19 inclusive
delivery of minuses (phonograms) - until October 25
2. Creative nominations, age categories, timing, cost of participation in the competition, accompanist
Creative nominations
Participants can choose a singing style among: pop, pop, rock, rap, jazz, folk, academic, lyrical and other vocals. Can enroll in the following categories:

I - Solo singing
Free program, no compulsory works

JUNIOR A - 5-8 years, 1 performance a maximum of 5 minutes
JUNIOR B - 9-12 years, 1 performance maximum 5 minutes
JUNIOR C - 13-15 years, 1 performance maximum 5 minutes
SENIOR D - 16-18 years, 1 performance maximum 8 minutes
SENIOR E - 19-21 years, 1 performance maximum 8 minutes
SENIOR F - more than 21 years, 1 performance a maximum of 8 minutes

Cost of participation:
Soloist - € 50,00

Children to 8,11 years old - 10% discount for participation
Adults over 60 - 10% discount
Disabled people, orphans - 50% discount
Children from large families - 20% discount

II - Vocal ensembles (2-11 elements)
Free program, no compulsory works

JUNIOR A - 5-8 years, 1 performance a maximum of 5 minutes
JUNIOR B - 9-12 years, 1 performance maximum 5 minutes
JUNIOR C - 13-15 years, 1 performance maximum 5 minutes
SENIOR D - 16-18 years, 1 performance maximum 10 minutes
SENIOR E - 19-21 years, 1 performance maximum 10 minutes
SENIOR F - more than 21 years, 1 performance a maximum of 10 minutes
MIX F - mixed age category
* MIX group - if more than 30% of the team does not pass through one age category, then it is allowed to enroll in a mixed age category, indicating the age of a larger number of people in the application, participation fee and timing are calculated according to the age of a larger number of people in the ensemble.

Cost of participation:
Duet - € 50,00 /per duet
Ensembles from 3 to 11 elements - € 17,00 /for each element

Children to 8,11 years old - 10% discount for participation
Adults over 60 - 10% discount
Disabled people, orphans - 50% discount
Children from large families - 20% discount

III - Choirs 12 or more people (male, female. children's, mixed)
Free program, no compulsory works

JUNIOR A - 5-8 years, 1 performance a maximum of 10 minutes
JUNIOR B - 9-12 years, 1 performance maximum 10 minutes
JUNIOR C - 13-15 years, 1 performance maximum 10 minutes
SENIOR D - 16-18 years, 1 performance maximum 15 minutes
SENIOR E - 19-21 years, 1 performance maximum 15 minutes
SENIOR F - more than 21 years, 1 performance a maximum of 15 minutes
MIX F - mixed age category

Cost of participation:
€ 17,00 for each element, but not more than € 250,00 for the team.

Children to 8,11 years old - 10% discount for participation
Adults over 60 - 10% discount
Disabled people, orphans - 50% discount
Children from large families - 20% discount

IV - Author's song / special nomination
You must provide a copy of the sheet music of the song, as well as the text in English of the song. The score is for the song, not for the performance.

Cost of participation:
It is possible to submit 1 piece - € 50.00
Attention! The organizers are not responsible in case of plagiarism of the participant in this nomination and have nothing to do with the copyright of the participant. By submitting an application for participation, the participant automatically gives the right to audio and video recording of the performance, which can later be used for advertising or other purposes.

Children to 8,11 years old - 10% discount for participation
Adults over 60 - 10% discount
Disabled people, orphans - 50% discount
Children from large families - 20% discount

V - Musicals (teams from 3 people)
Free program, no compulsory works
! 1 excerpt from the musical or several excerpts logically connected in 1 performance are performed, not exceeding the timing:

JUNIOR A - 5-8 years, 1 performance a maximum of 10 minutes
JUNIOR B - 9-12 years, 1 performance maximum 10 minutes
JUNIOR C - 13-15 years, 1 performance maximum 10 minutes
SENIOR D - 16-18 years, 1 performance maximum 15 minutes
SENIOR E - 19-21 years, 1 performance maximum 15 minutes
SENIOR F - more than 21 years, 1 performance a maximum of 15 minutes
MIX F - mixed age category

Cost of participation:
€ 17,00 for each element, but not more than € 250,00 for the team.

Children to 8,11 years old - 10% discount for participation
Adults over 60 - 10% discount
Disabled people, orphans - 50% discount
Children from large families - 20% discount

Org. the committee does not provide a tool or hall to prepare participants for the competition. A rehearsal will be organized before the competition:
  • Soloist - 1 minute
  • Ensembles - 2 minutes
  • Choirs and musicals - 5 minutes

Individual information:
Org. the committee provides 1 piano, microphones without wire, microphone racks and chairs for the competition for participants. Will not be provided: pipitra, etc. Participants must provide themselves with everything necessary for the performance.
Cost of an accompanist
All participants in need of an accompanist must send along with the application for participation a copy of the sheet music of the work performed for the accompanist, as well as pay an additional fee of € 50.00.
3. All events of the Festival-Competition
Master classes
By appointment only, a personalized certificate of completion of the master class signed by the Maestro is issued. It is necessary to find out in advance the name of the Maestro and the number of available seats.
Cost for those who signed up for the competition part:
Individual master class - € 80.00 ( 45 minutes)
Cost for non-participants:
Individual master class - € 160.00 ( 45 minutes)

The price includes:
  • participation in a master class
  • personalized certificate
  • translator
The event will host the final round - a concert of the winners and an award ceremony for all participants on stage. The following will be selected for the concert:
  • maximum 4 soloists from category JUNIOR
  • maximum of 4 soloists from category SENIOR
  • maximum of 4 ensembles from JUNIOR
  • maximum of 4 ensembles from category SENIOR
  • maximum of 4 choirs from JUNIOR
  • maximum of 4 choir from category SENIOR
  • maximum 4 author's songs
  • maximum of 4 musicals from category JUNIOR
  • maximum of 4 musicals from category SENIOR
All participants who went to the final will be warned about their participation in the concert directly on the spot, during the concert. The participants who did not make it to the final attend the Concert as an audience and take the stage for the award ceremony.
Competition program
1 day - competitive day, in the evening - a concert of winners.
ATTENTION! In case of a large number of applications, the competition will be extended for two days!

In case of renewal of the competition, the program:
1 day - competition (all types of modern vocals), in the evening a concert of the winners.
Day 2 - competition (academic vocals and choirs), in the evening a concert of the winners.
The exact program of the competition will be announced a week before the start of the event.
4. Jury evaluation system, awards, sponsors
Competitive part grading system
The competition has a qualification, not a competitive principle of evaluation. Each participant receives a diploma indicating the degree taken based on the average score.
All participants will be judged based on their age and creative category. Evaluated: performance technique, complexity of the selected work, individual approach to the interpretation of the work, manner of performance and personal style.
For each creative category, the jury members evaluate on a 100 point system (the average score of each performance of all jury members is calculated).
*In the case of several performances in the same category, the work that received the highest rating is selected for summing up.
Depending on the score received, all participants will be awarded the following degrees and prizes:
  • GRAN PRIX SOLOIST JUNIOR - 100 points or the highest point among participants
  • GRAN PRIX SOLOIST SENIOR - 100 points or the highest ball among participants
  • GRAN PRIX ENSEMBLE JUNIOR - 100 points or the highest point among participants
  • GRAN PRIX ENSEMBLE SENIOR - 100 points or the highest point among participants
  • GRAN PRIX CHOIR JUNIOR - 100 points or the highest point among participants
  • GRAN PRIX CHOIR SENIOR - 100 points or the highest point among participants
  • GRAN PRIX ART SONG - 100 points or the highest ball among participants
  • GRAN PRIX MUSICAL JUNIOR - 100 points or the highest point among participants
  • GRAN PRIX MUSICAL SENIOR - 100 points or the highest ball among participants
  • Laureate of the 1st degree - 90 / 99 points
  • Laureate II degree - 80 / 89 points
  • Laureate III degree - 70 / 79 points
  • Member - less than 70 points
*The organizers are in no way related to the work of the jury members and cannot influence their decision. The decision of the panel of judges is not subject to discussion. The results of the evaluations received will be published on the website in the “reports” section at the end of the competition.
*Among all participants and teams, regardless of the score, the organizers of the competition will choose the brightest numbers to perform at the final concert of the competition (the choice of performances does not depend on the panel of judges, on the score, but only on the colorfulness of the number). The concert will take place only with special permission from the authorities during the pandemic.
The competition will be held behind closed doors, in the form of passing entrance exams. During the competitive viewing, accompanying persons, teachers and parents who have registered at the entrance to the theater are allowed into the hall only if absolute silence is observed. In case of violation of this clause, the organizers reserve the right to ask all those present to vacate the hall.
Jury members
The jury consists of well-known cultural figures associated with vocals. Among them: pop-stars of international level, teachers from leading European conservatories, vocal coaches looking for new talents, producers, agents, organizers of concerts and events. The names of the jury members and their CVs will be announced later.
Members of the jury who are in a family or pedagogical relationship with the participants will not give marks for this contestant. The jury members will evaluate the participants on a hundred-point system, after which the average score will be calculated. The jury members have the right to stop the performance of the participant at their discretion. Jury members may not award the prizes specified in the regulations if they do not find a worthy candidate for them. The decision of the jury members is not subject to discussion. The members of the jury are called upon to evaluate the technical training of the participant, his personal data as an artist.
Competition Prizes
GRAN PRIX winners - receive a diploma (each participant), a certificate for free participation in any event organized by Festival & Contest next year.
1st degree laureates - receive a diploma (each participant), a certificate for a 50% discount on participation in any event organized by Festival & Contest next year.
2nd degree laureates - receive a diploma (each participant), a 25% discount certificate for participation in any event organized by Festival & Contest next year.
3rd degree laureates - receive a diploma (each participant), a certificate for a 10% discount on participation in any event organized by Festival & Contest next year.
Participants - receive a diploma (each participant).

Special Awards:
  • "Young Talent" - awarded to a participant or team from the JUNIOR category, a cash voucher in the amount of 10,000.00 rubles, to pay for accommodation in the Summer creative intensity "I Star" - next summer.
  • "Special Prize from the Jury" - is awarded to a participant or team from any age category, a cash voucher in the amount of 10,000.00 rubles, to pay for accommodation in the Summer creative intensity "I Star" - next summer.
  • "Super Voices Award" - is awarded to a participant or team from any age category, a cash voucher of 20.000.00 rubles, to pay for living in the Summer creative intensity "I Star" - next summer.
Official invitations and letter for sponsors
The organizers are ready to prepare official letters for sponsors, administrations, cultural departments, school directors, etc. with a request to support your trip to the Competition. To do this, you need to send to the address the full name addressed to whom we are making an invitation, the full name of the organization that he leads and the full name of the participant or the name of the team that we are inviting.
5. Accommodation of participants and free time
Leisure time
Participants, as well as accompanying persons, can independently engage in a suitable placement during the event or seek help from the organizers.
In Moscow, you can visit an endless number of museums and theaters, entertainment centers, music evenings, as well as take pictures on Red Square. People will find entertainment to their taste, because Moscow is the capital of Russia!

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